The Almasty team was created in April 2015. The Almasty team is mainly oriented toward the use of algorithmic and effective mathematic techniques to propose and improve modern cryptosystems and assess their security levels. Toward this goal, it makes use of numerous mathematical tools and develop algorithms to improve computations beyond what is reachable with state-of-the-art methods. The research activity of the Almasty team addresses the following topics: provable security, (pseudo-)randomness in cryptography, security against side-channel attacks, secure multi-party computation, (post-)quantum cryptography, cryptanalysis, high-performance computing, ...


Oct 11, 2024 Jules Maire defended his Ph. D. thesis :mortar_board:
Oct 04, 2024 paper on fast evaluation of Boolean polynomials on all possible inputs accepted in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software :memo:
Sep 19, 2024 Thomas Legavre joined the team to do a PhD on combined attacks and residual security of post-quantum algorithms :man:
Jul 27, 2024 computational record for Multivariate Quadratic Boolean system solving with n=114 variables and m=76 equations (Type IV) achieved by Charles Bouillaguet and Julia Sauvage :1st_place_medal:
Jul 23, 2024 computational records for Multivariate Quadratic Boolean system solving with n=108 variables and m=72 equations (Type IV) and with n=112 variables and m=75 equations (Type IV) achieved by Charles Bouillaguet and Julia Sauvage :1st_place_medal: