The Almasty team was created in April 2015. The Almasty team is mainly oriented toward the use of algorithmic and effective mathematic techniques to propose and improve modern cryptosystems and assess their security levels. Toward this goal, it makes use of numerous mathematical tools and develop algorithms to improve computations beyond what is reachable with state-of-the-art methods. The research activity of the Almasty team addresses the following topics: provable security, (pseudo-)randomness in cryptography, security against side-channel attacks, secure multi-party computation, (post-)quantum cryptography, cryptanalysis, high-performance computing, ...


Mar 05, 2024 paper on the secure multi-party linear algebra accepted in IACR Communications in Cryptology :memo:
Mar 05, 2024 paper on the impossibility of quantum public key encryption with classical keys from one-way functions accepted in IACR Communications in Cryptology :memo:
Mar 05, 2024 paper on a cryptanalysis of the Biscuit signature scheme accepted in IACR Communications in Cryptology and Fifth Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Conference :memo:
Nov 07, 2023 Abdul Rahman Taleb defended his Ph. D. thesis :mortar_board:
Nov 01, 2023 Ambroise Fleury joined the team to finish a PhD on the Number Field Sieve :man: