
All news items, ever.

Jul 17, 2024 computational record for Multivariate Quadratic Boolean system solving with n=106 variables and m=71 equations (Type IV) achieved by Charles Bouillaguet and Julia Sauvage :1st_place_medal:
May 28, 2024 paper on fast secure computations on shared polynomials and applications to private set operations accepted in ITC 2024 :memo:
Mar 5, 2024 paper on the secure multi-party linear algebra accepted in IACR Communications in Cryptology :memo:
Mar 5, 2024 paper on the impossibility of quantum public key encryption with classical keys from one-way functions accepted in IACR Communications in Cryptology :memo:
Mar 5, 2024 paper on a cryptanalysis of the Biscuit signature scheme accepted in IACR Communications in Cryptology and Fifth Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Conference :memo:
Nov 7, 2023 Abdul Rahman Taleb defended his Ph. D. thesis :mortar_board:
Nov 1, 2023 Ambroise Fleury joined the team to finish a PhD on the Number Field Sieve :man:
Oct 2, 2023 paper on fault attacks on Dilithium accepted in CARDIS 2023 :memo:
Sep 16, 2023 computational record for Multivariate Quadratic Boolean system solving with n=83 variables and m=166 equations (Type I) achieved by Charles Bouillaguet and Julia Sauvage :1st_place_medal:
Sep 1, 2023 Lucas Ottow joined the team to do a PhD on Designing secure distributed protocols for exact computation :man:
Aug 25, 2023 paper on alternative sieving strategies for the number field sieve accepted in Asiacrypt 2023 :memo:
Aug 14, 2023 paper on zero-knowledge arguments and digital signatures via sharing conversion in the Head accepted in ESORICS 2023 :memo:
Aug 8, 2023 paper on lattice-based attacks on pairing-based signatures (from partial information) accepted in Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective :memo:
Jul 7, 2023 computational record for Multivariate Quadratic Boolean system solving with n=80 variables and m=160 equations (Type I) achieved by Charles Bouillaguet and Julia Sauvage :1st_place_medal:
Jul 6, 2023 paper on the cryptanalysis of an outsourced modular inversion protocol accepted in Mathematical Cryptology :memo:
Jul 4, 2023 paper on a template attack on Dilithium accepted in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems :memo:
Jul 4, 2023 Florette Martinez defended her Ph. D. thesis :mortar_board:
Jun 27, 2023 paper on cryptanalysis of generalized subset-sum pseudo-random number generators accepted in MFCS 2023 :memo:
Jun 26, 2023 computational record for Multivariate Quadratic Boolean system solving with n=77 variables and m=154 equations (Type I) achieved by Charles Bouillaguet and Julia Sauvage :1st_place_medal:
Jun 24, 2023 computational record for Multivariate Quadratic Boolean system solving with n=76 variables and m=152 equations (Type I) achieved by Charles Bouillaguet and Julia Sauvage :1st_place_medal:
Jun 20, 2023 computational record for Multivariate Quadratic Boolean system solving with n=75 variables and m=150 equations (Type I) achieved by Charles Bouillaguet and Julia Sauvage :1st_place_medal:
Jun 7, 2023 book (in french) “Exercices et problèmes de cryptographie - 4e édition” published by Dunod in the Infosup collection :book:
Jun 6, 2023 paper on reciprocal space temperature-dependent phonons method from ab-initio dynamics accepted in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter :memo:
May 12, 2023 paper on a practical verification tool for masking security accepted in SECRYPT 2023 :memo:
May 5, 2023 paper on security definitions (and their relations) in the probing model accepted in Crypto 2023 :memo:
Apr 17, 2023 paper on the quantum security of subset cover problems accepted in ITC 2023 :memo:
Apr 3, 2023 paper on commitments with efficient zero-knowledge arguments from subset sum problems accepted in ESORICS 2023 :memo:
Mar 27, 2023 research project CRYPTANALYSE on cryptanalysis funded by PEPR Cybersécurité (2023-2028) :sparkles:
Mar 10, 2023 paper on interactive lab platforms for teaching cryptography accepted in RESSI 2023 :memo:
Feb 1, 2023 Michele Orrù joined the team as CNRS Research Scientist :man:
Nov 1, 2022 Julia Sauvage joined the team to do a PhD on tools and algorithms for solving polynomial systems in cryptography :woman:
Oct 1, 2022 Mickaël Hamdad joined the team to do a PhD on Algorithms for the nearest neighbor problem and application to cryptanalysis :man:
Sep 19, 2022 Ahmed Khulaif Alharbi joined the team to do a PhD on Computational complexity models in the cloud :man:
Aug 25, 2022 paper on zero-knowledge arguments for the subset sum problem accepted in Asiacrypt 2022 :memo:
Aug 8, 2022 research cloud grant on polynomial systems in cryptology funded by Oracle :sparkles:
May 22, 2022 Andersson Calle Viera joined the team to do a PhD on the Implementations of Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms Secured Against Physical Attacks :man:
Mar 18, 2022 paper on practical cryptanalysis of fast pseudo-random number generators accepted in ACNS 2022 :memo:
Mar 17, 2022 Charles Bouillaguet defended his habilitation thesis :mortar_board:
Feb 23, 2022 survey paper on secure disk storage accepted in Computer Science Review :memo:
Nov 11, 2021 paper on cryptanalysis of pseudo-random number generators hiding a linear structure accepted in CT-RSA 2022 :memo:
Nov 5, 2021 paper on a new versatile verification tool for masking security accepted in IEEE Security and Privacy 2022 :memo:
Nov 1, 2021 Jules Maire joined the team to do a PhD on Secure multi-party computation :man:
Oct 20, 2021 paper on a simple deterministic algorithm for systems of Boolean quadratic systems accepted in SOSA :memo:
Sep 29, 2021 paper on public-key encryption with password-protected two-party decryption accepted in Theoretical Computer Science :memo:
Sep 1, 2021 Samuel Bouaziz–Ermann joined the team to do a PhD on the Impact of Quantum Computers on Impagliazzo’s Five Worlds :man:
Aug 25, 2021 paper on random probing security via dynamic gadget expansion accepted in Asiacrypt 2021 :memo:
Jul 20, 2021 research project KLEPTOMIAC on cryptographic key length estimates funded by ANR (2021-2025) :sparkles:
Jul 20, 2021 research project SANGRIA on secure distributed computation funded by ANR (2021-2025) :sparkles:
Jun 23, 2021 paper on computational records on SHA-256 hash function with ``aging hardware’’ accepted in Parallel Computing :memo:
Apr 19, 2021 paper on cryptanalysis of modular exponentiation outsourcing protocols accepted in The Computer Journal :memo:
Apr 15, 2021 paper on probing security and quasi-linear masking accepted in IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems :memo:
Feb 18, 2021 paper on key-dependent message security of Feistel ciphers accepted in CT-RSA 2021 :memo:
Jan 25, 2021 paper on random probing security via gadget expansion accepted in Eurocrypt 2021 :memo: