Damien Vergnaud

I hold a doctorate degree in mathematics from the Université de Caen Basse-Normandie (France) and an habilitation thesis in computer science from the École normale supérieure (France). My research focuses on the design of efficient and secure cryptographic protocols, theoretical aspects of provable security, number theory and randomness in cryptography.


May 28, 2024 paper on fast secure computations on shared polynomials and applications to private set operations accepted in ITC 2024 :memo:
Mar 22, 2024 preprint on fast secure computations on shared polynomials and applications to private set operations is now on IACR eprint :memo:
Mar 05, 2024 paper on the secure multi-party linear algebra accepted in IACR Communications in Cryptology :memo:
Mar 05, 2024 paper on the impossibility of quantum public key encryption with classical keys from one-way functions accepted in IACR Communications in Cryptology :memo:
Jan 16, 2024 book (in french) “Cryptographie asymétrique : Primitives et protocoles” coordinated by David Pointcheval published in the SCIENCES encyclopedia (“Computer Science” field directed by Valérie Berthé and Jean-Charles Pomerol / “Cryptography, Data Security” subject headed by Damien Vergnaud) :book: